Site Guide
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Site Guide Table of Contents
The Packaged Combined Heat and Power Catalog Systems (eCatalog) is a voluntary public/private partnership designed to increase deployment of CHP in manufacturing plants and commercial, institutional, and multi-family buildings. U.S. DOE-reviewed and -recognized Packagers1, Solution Providers2, Packaged CHP systems and Customer Engagement Networks3 are designed to provide end-users, facility managers, and consulting engineers with easy access to reliable and comparable technical data, allowing for the ability to search for and compare Packaged CHP systems. The key goal of the eCatalog is to reduce risk, cost, and project timelines for all parties using the eCatalog to develop CHP projects.
The eCatalog is a web-based system that hosts U.S. DOE-recognized Packaged CHP systems that include select features designed to reduce economic and performance risk for the CHP user. The eCatalog focuses on Packaged CHP systems that are less than 10 MW in individual prime-mover capacity.
Packaged CHP system standardized4 electrical and thermal performance data presented in the eCatalog have been reviewed and recognized as accurate based on engineering data and available performance test data submitted by the Packagers. Emissions data presented in the eCatalog are based on either third-party emissions test results, when available, or prime mover manufacturer’s emissions certification data, both of which use standard EPA test methodologies or equivalent. When evaluating CHP performance for a particular project, it is important to use final performance data from the Packager or Solution Provider that reflects specific site conditions such as fuel characteristics, ambient temperatures and altitude, and thermal load temperatures or pressures. As an example, hot water thermal capacity ratings in the eCatalog are based on a standard hot water supply temperature of 180 F, with packager-specified return temperatures for each system. Actual hot water available from a Packaged CHP system will depend on the specific temperature requirements of the hot water supply and return at the site and may vary from data presented in the eCatalog.
The eCatalog is routinely updated to add additional Packages, Packagers, Solution Providers and Customer Engagement Networks and to allow existing eCatalog stakeholders to update their offerings.
1 A Packager is fully responsible for all aspects of engineering / design / assembly / testing of the Packaged CHP system and may be an original equipment manufacturer, distributor, or any other entity that offers Packaged CHP systems. CHP Packagers provide pre-engineered and tested Packaged CHP systems that meet or exceed DOE requirements.
2 A Solution Provider is responsible for installation, commissioning, maintenance, and service of recognized Packaged CHP systems and providing a single point of responsibility. CHP Solution Providers are expected to demonstrate the ability to fully support recognized Packaged CHP systems nationwide or in specific areas of the country and meet or exceed DOE requirements.
3 CHP Engagement Partners (utilities, federal agencies, states, and municipalities) commit to promote Packaged CHP systems (via the eCatalog) to their customers, constituents, or members and to validate the performance and the benefits of Packaged CHP. Customer Engagement Programs can range from education and outreach on the benefits and applicability of CHP, to technical assistance in evaluating and implementing CHP, to incentives or other financial support, depending on the objectives and resources of individual Customer Engagement Networks.
4 eCatalog prime-mover gross capacity ratings at 100%, 75%, and 50% and 0°F, 59°F, and 95°F ambient temperatures; thermal standards are: 180°F for hot water supply, 15 psig or 125 psig for steam supply, 44°F for chilled water supply / 54°F chilled water return with 85°F cooling tower water supply.
The core of the eCatalog are the CHP Packagers who commit to provide pre-engineered and tested packaged or modular CHP systems that meet or exceed DOE performance requirements and the CHP Solution Providers who commit to provide responsible installation, commissioning, maintenance, and service of recognized Packaged CHP systems and serve as the single point of project responsibility.
The eCatalog is designed to decrease installation barriers, lower risk, and reduce project costs and installation times by:
- Improving the market penetration of CHP in markets with high amounts of remaining technical potential that have not yet been cost-effectively developed due to a lack of understanding of CHP technology;
- Reducing perceived risk of installing and operating on-site generation by offering comparable standardization of CHP systems and in-the-field service agreements;
- Creating replicable CHP systems to reduce design errors and limit uncertainty with associated performance, time, and cost impacts;
- Promoting standard repeatable packaged designs which include:
- 100% pre-piped systems with customer ready connection
- Properly ventilated enclosures
- Sound insulated enclosures
- Fire-rated insulation
- Gas detection and smoke alarm systems
- Fluid containment systems
- Auxiliaries sized appropriately and shipped with connecting piping and wiring complete
- Establishing standard and pre-qualified CHP Packages and qualified Solution Providers to install the Packages, leading to shorter decision times and lower quality control costs, including at-the-property inspection phases such as occupancy inspections;
- Reducing customer acquisition costs for CHP vendors; and
- Expanding CHP product offerings, improving the quality of CHP product offerings, and controlling CHP product costs by promoting increased competition.
The purpose of the U.S. DOE review and recognition process is to assure eCatalog users that:
- Packagers have proven engineering, design, assembly, and testing experience and capabilities to deliver Packaged CHP systems that install easily, can be commissioned as expected, and deliver stated performance.
- Solution Providers have demonstrated the ability to fully support recognized Packaged CHP systems nationwide or in specific areas of the country and meet or exceed DOE requirements for installation design, installation engineering, system installation, commissioning, service, and maintenance.
The U.S. DOE review and recognition process for Packaged CHP systems is designed to verify that the system design and performance meets U.S. DOE requirements. The information requested for the website is to provide the eCatalog user with enough performance data and physical information to instill confidence in the Packaged CHP system offering and to make valid technical comparisons with other systems meeting particular site requirements.
Each requested item is necessary to either convey to eCatalog users the nature of the Packaged CHP system or provide the U.S. DOE reviewer with enough information to verify completeness of the system, operability of the system, and verify performance data
The Create an Account button appears in the upper-left corner of the website header and takes users to the Sign In page (below):
Registered users can enter their username and password to enter the dashboard. Those not registered can create an account to be able to save searches. Click on CREATE AN ACCOUNT and the following popup will appear:
Registration provides users with a personalized Dashboard.

Once registered as a user, the key benefit is the ability to save searched for later comparison. Using the VIEW SAVED SEARCHES button reveals saved searches by designated site description.

Expanding any saved site reveals the specific Packages selected, and the user can return to the search for this site by clicking LOAD SAVED SEARCH.

Each users enter the eCatalog to begin a search session, there will be a DOE technical data disclaimer before seeing results. This will occur only once during an online session. Check the acknowledgement box and click the ACCESS CHP SEARCH button to continue.

When first entering the search page directly, without a site ZIP code entered, no Packaged CHP systems will be displayed because franchise sales rights, service support, Assurance Plans, Solution Provider services, and Customer Engagement programs are all linked to site ZIP codes

Once a ZIP code is entered, results appear. Packaged CHP systems of equal relevance are randomly ordered for each new search in a way that avoids prioritizing any specific Packager or Solution Provider. All Packaged CHP systems can be displayed; however, 30 results are displayed at a time. To display more, select LOAD 30 MORE and 30 more results will be displayed.

The top right of the display is the FOCUS YOUR RESULTS section, where users can select critical design facets of CHP systems to fine-tune the search and fit a specific site’s requirements. Next to that is the number of Packages that are currently displayed, ordered by Relevance. This current number (212) represents the total number of Packaged CHP systems in the database. Below that are the nine descriptive icons that may appear, as appropriate, on each of the CHP Package Equipment results displayed. Definitions of each icon appears below:

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AVAILABLE – This symbol means that this Packager or Solution Provider has the right to sell and service the CHP package in the site ZIP code area. |
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SOLUTION PROVIDER – A Solution Provider is responsible for installation, commissioning, maintenance, and service of recognized Packaged CHP systems and providing a single point of responsibility. CHP Solution Providers are expected to demonstrate the ability to fully support recognized Packaged CHP systems nationwide or in specific areas of the country. |
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ASSURANCE PLAN – All eCatalog systems offered by Solution Providers in Qualified Service Territories must offer a market-priced Bumper-to-Bumper Assurance Plan offering a single point of responsibility for all operation, service, and maintenance of the Packaged CHP system as well as a published system availability percentage and maximum response time to unintended outages. |
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LOCAL SUPPORT – CE means that the Packaged CHP system is located in a ZIP code that is supported by a CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM and that this Packaged CHP system has been approved for inclusion in the program. See the detailed Packaged CHP system data sheet for the program(s) included. Note that most programs are limited in funding. |
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OUTDOOR INSTALL – OD means that the Packaged CHP system is designed for outdoor installation. |
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WITHIN FOOTPRINT – FP means that this CHP Package can be installed and operated within the specified space constraints, including maintenance clearances. Note that you may also need to consider minimum shipping component size to allow for accessibility to the final site location within existing structures. |
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U.S.A. PACKAGED – This highlights Packagers or Solution Providers whose final system is packaged in the U.S.A. |
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INSTALLED – The number appearing here represents the total number of CHP systems, of any size, Packaged (installed and commissioned for Solution Providers) by this company anywhere in the world. |
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FAVORITE – Select as a favorite to save the system and display on user dashboard for comparison and future use. Each search can be saved using discrete site names. |
Searches yield results that are displayed as Packaged CHP system cards and provide a significant amount of information. The card below displays five of the icons described above (AV, CE, FP, U.S.A. Packaged, and 815 company CHP Installations).

The blue bar at the bottom of the Packaged CHP system card shows the RELEVANCY MATCH. FULL MATCH means all selected facets are satisfied. Relevancy weighting determines the order in which Packaged CHP systems appear on each page. Packaged CHP system cards will appear in a randomized order for those with equal relevancy weighting.
This section reviews the Search options:

Once a site Zip code has been entered, searching the eCatalog yields the first 30 Packaged CHP system cards which can be considered a solution set. Further refining the solution set is done by selection relevant options. The eCatalog solution sets are binned into five buckets (see colored bar at the bottom of the Packaged CHP system card): Full Match (100%), High Match (70% to <100% match), Partial Match (40% to <70%), Low Match (>0% to <40%) and Zero Match (0%). The eCatalog Packaged CHP system cards of equal relevance are randomly ordered for each new search in a way that avoids prioritizing any specific Packager or Solution Provider. The following table presents the relevance matching protocol used to determine relevance.
Once the appropriate Packaged CHP system options have been selected, detailed technical, performance, support, and contact information can be found by hovering over any Packaged CHP system card and clicking on the View Details icon.

This feature allows the user to compare performance data on up to four selected packages. NOTE YOU MUST BE A LOGGED IN USER TO ACTIVATE THE COMPARE FEATURE.
The green button in the upper right hand corner of the Search page activates the compare feature.

Pressing the Compare bottom immediately places you in the compare Package mode. An information panel appears at the top of the page providing guidance and also a button allowing you to cancel out of COMPARE MODE.
Since you are logged in, the selection star on the lower right package tab in the above picture (select packages to save on your dashboard) changes to a compare selection square shown in the picture below.

After selecting up to four packages, the information panel at the top lists the Packages selected and the COMPARE SELECTION button appears. Pressing the COMPARE SELECTION button provides the comparison of the units and reveals the DOWNLOAD AS PDF and DOWNLOAD AS EXCEL buttons on the top of the page. Underneath the Package photos are buttons that provide direct assess to the package detail pages for each of the selected packages.

Pressing the DOWNLOAD AS PDF button will deliver to your computer’s download file folder a PDF version of the comparison. See below:

Pressing the DOWNLOAD AS EXCEL button saves an Excel file in your download folder. See below:

The Benefits page provides an overview of why Packaged and pre-engineered CHP systems reduce risk.
The bottom of the page provides descriptions and links to key DOE resources about CHP. Click on the thumbnail picture to access the material. The following CHP resource hyperlinks are available:
The Financing Page has three sections. The first section uses graphics to provide an overview of typical CHP financing mechanisms and a link to DOE’s Better Buildings Financing Navigator. The second section provides a brief description of each type of financing option, including a description of one CHP project that use the described financing and a link to learn more about the highlighted CHP project. The third section provides links to three DOE financing resources. Click on the highlighted resources to access the materials.
The Packagers page contains a list, in alphabetical order, of Packagers recognized by DOE to:
- have documented experience in the engineering and design of Packaged CHP systems,
- have Packaged CHP system fabrication/assembly facilities (or represent Packagers with these facilities),
- demonstrate or provide information on to Packaged CHP system performance test capability, and
- offer Packaged CHP systems with a CHP performance of 60% HHV or greater.
Users can click on any Packager logo find the Packager’s contact information, a company description, and a brief description of the Packager’s service capabilities.
The Solution Providers page contains a list, in alphabetical order, of Solution Providers recognized by DOE to have:
- documented experience in installation, commissioning, maintenance, and service of recognized Packaged CHP systems,
- documented capability to provide service and Assurance Plan support in their designated service territory,
- or soon have recognized CHP Packaged systems in the eCatalog,
- a single point of responsibility for site integration, system installation, maintenance, and service in the identified service territory,
- a market-priced Assurance Plan, in qualified service territories, that provides service and maintenance to cover planned and unplanned shutdowns of the Packaged CHP system (including all components) for a period of not less than five (5) years from the date of electric grid interconnection recognition,
- CHP Packaged System availability at or above 92% for reciprocating engines and 95% for combustion and microturbines, and
- a maximum response time for unplanned shutdowns of 12 hours in their Qualified Service Territory.
Link to Solution Providers page
Click on any Solution Provider logo find the Solution Provider’s contact information, a company description, a description of any energy services offered, and a brief description of the Solution Provider’s Assurance Plan.
The Customer Engagement Networks page contains a list, in alphabetical order, of state-level Customer Engagement Networks and utility Customer Engagement Networks recognized by DOE to have CHP programs.
Link to Customer Engagement Networks page
Click on any Customer Engagement Network logo find the Customer Engagement Network’s contact information and a description of their respective CHP program.
The Onsite Energy TAP’s page contains information on the U.S. DOE's Onsite Energy Technical Assistance Partnerships (TAPs) that help facilities integrate the latest onsite energy technologies by providing specialized services, including: Technical Assistance, End-User Engagement, and Stakeholder Engagement.
CHP has historically been found at manufacturing and industrial sites because it helps maintain economic competitiveness by lowering day-to-day cost of operation and reducing exposure to process disruptions caused by grid outages. The thermal energy recovered from generating power on-site with a CHP system can be used to provide process heating, space heating and cooling, and refrigeration, depending on the needs of the particular site. The U.S. DOE supports a robust CHP program as a way to revitalize and grow America’s industrial base by improving energy infrastructure.
- Efficiency & Reliability. Flexible CHP technologies offer strategies to meet user energy needs in a cost-effective, efficient, and safe manner. For example, CHP systems can simultaneously produce double or triple the energy from a single source at overall efficiencies of up to 80% compared to about 50% for conventional separate heat and power. CHP alone reduces fuel usage and greenhouse gas emissions (by about one-third) and can also increase the grid stability of solar and wind installations. CHP systems provide localized, autonomous, and often modular systems that eliminate transmission line power loss and enable the collection and storage of energy from many sources, providing greater security against outages, stronger grid resilience, and lower environmental impacts.
- Increased Profitability. CHP improves business competitiveness by increasing energy efficiency and managing costs
- Energy Independence. By efficiently using domestically produced natural gas and emerging domestic renewable fuels such as landfill and digester gas, CHP systems help reduce America’s dependence on foreign fuel.
- Cleaner Air. CHP’s high efficiency and reliance on clean fuels lowers emissions of both criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases.